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Missing Teeth Replacement Specialist in Brooklyn, NY

Missing Teeth Replacement Specialist in Brooklyn, NY

Missing teeth can make your confidence drop and cause you to feel pain, like hot and cold sensitivities and other issues. Contact or book an online appointment with Friends Family Dental and Orthodontics today if you are missing teeth and need an option to help replace them. We serve patients from Brooklyn, NY and surrounding areas.

Missing Teeth Replacement Specialist Near Me in Brooklyn, NY
Missing Teeth Replacement Specialist Near Me in Brooklyn, NY

Table of Contents:

What is the best option for replacing missing teeth?
How do you fix missing teeth without implants?
What is the cheapest way to fix missing teeth?

What is the best option for replacing missing teeth?

Losing teeth not only may affect your smile, but it can change many things and weaken not only your confidence but also your jawbone. There are many advances in prosthetic dentistry available to the general public which can help with missing teeth. There are a few options available for missing teeth which includes:

Dental Implants
Dental implants are one of the more preferred options available for replacing an individual tooth. Dental implants are available under careful preparation to be placed on where a missing tooth is if there is sufficient enough bone for placement and adequate support.

Our dentists will provide a CT scan to view your teeth to see the shape they are in and if there is enough jawbone available for the dental implant, and finally to take an impression of the teeth to create a dental implant. Once the dental implant is being created, a titanium screw will be implanted into the jawbone as a replacement root. It will then be fitted with a cap and a small stud. The gum will heal around the stud and a porcelain crown will be cemented or screwed onto the abutment to create a new implant that will match the rest of the other teeth.

Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are created of artificial teeth which are fused to a metal frame. This is a second great option if you have any missing teeth. The frame is then cemented into place as a support system. If there is more than one tooth being replaced, then more implants or natural teeth will be needed to provide the bridge support.

A dental bridge is a shorter process than that of a dental implant, but it will still require several steps including imaging, impressions, and other preparations when supporting teeth for crowns and a temporary bridge.

Other Considerations
While dental implants and dental bridges are great options for missing teeth, there are other considerations available, particularly if you have any other chronic conditions like diabetes, that can affect healing than other considerations will need to be made in order to help with the missing teeth and your jawbone health. 

How do you fix missing teeth without implants?

While the go-to for missing teeth would be dental implants; however, it is not the only option available. Other options available for fixing missing teeth include dental bridges and various other options including full or partial dentures. Each dental option available is another consideration if you cannot get a dental implant for your missing tooth.

Tooth-support fixed bridges are one of the most common dental procedures used outside of dental implants to restore missing teeth. This option will require more maintenance over a dental implant, but it is a viable option.

Removable partial dentures are an affordable option to replace any missing teeth. The advantage of removable partial dentures is that the appliance does not require damaging healthy teeth.

Resin-Bonded Bridges is another option that attaches to adjacent teeth with wings.

Removable complete dentures are a low-cost full set of dentures to help replace any missing teeth.

What is the cheapest way to fix missing teeth?

While the cheapest way to fix your teeth the first time around may seem like a good option, over the long haul it may end up costing you the same as the most expensive option the first time around. With many cheap dental options for missing teeth may seem like a great option, there also come a lot of maintenance appointments that are necessary to upkeep the replacement teeth to ensure they are well taken care of.

While the best option for missing teeth would be a dental implant, it is one of the most costly dental procedures. However, many insurance options available may cover partial costs of dental implants. The cheapest option available for missing teeth would be a removable partial or complete denture.

For more information, contact us. We serve patients from Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.